As I write this it is early July and the temperature here on the Costa Blanca area of Spain is teetering around the 32°c mark on the thermometer outside. The sun shines constantly most days and often when I walk down to the beach I see many Northern Europeans looking like lobsters. I do hope that none of these people are going to suffer permanent damage from their sunburn but the truth of the matter is that over-exposure to UV radiation is dangerous. But let’s not get all depressive in this wonderful weather. Let’s talk cash!

In this article I want to spend some time telling you about how Coolashade shade sails can make you money! As has been mentioned before on this blog and in the press the installation of a Coolashade shade sail on your property will add value in the long term. When you decide to sell to sell your home the commitment has already been made by you the vendor, so prospective buyers view the shade sail in situ, realizing its positive advantages and the clever way that it integrates into the surrounding property.

If you are building a new property then a Coolashade shade sail is one of the essential items that should be in the ground plans. There is a certain beauty to shade sails that modern house designers love. Often you will hear the terms ‘organic’, ‘fluid’ or ‘flowing lines’ mentioned whilst describing a shade sail and builders want their new properties to be stylish and fresh and that is something that a shade sail installation has. Sleek chrome or natural wooden posts stand proudly upright blending in perfectly with your new home whilst the cleverly angled shade sail sweeps its protection over your new tiled patio or poolside area.

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Some of you may rent out your property in the summer months. Maybe you have your property as a rental investment which provides you with an income during the busy period between June and September. The rental market is very competitive and the advantage of having a Coolashade shade sail beside your pool or conveniently positioned elsewhere in your grounds may just give you an advantage over other lessors. Perhaps you can pinpoint your rental market and tailor your advert accordingly due to the fact that you have a dedicated area where children can play safely out of the sun’s harmful rays. For families this is a priority when they are searching for a villa to rent for their summer holiday.

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Many people I know live on the Costa Blanca but return to the UK in July and August to visit family and friends and to escape the ‘crazy period’! Often they will rent out their property for a couple of months to supplement the expensive trip to the UK. If you are fortunate enough be in this situation yourself then by installing a Coolashade shade sail you have the pleasure of using it whilst you are in Spain, and the advantage of promoting it as a special feature of your home when looking to rent it out. Perfect!

Finally, one of the most important things to note is that Coolashade shade sails are guaranteed for ten years. What use is there in investing in a product to enhance your home and make you money if after a year or two it looks tatty or has faded or broken? As opposed to other shade sails on the market, Coolashade shade sails have been around, and shading Spain for years and have been extensively developed since the first year of manufacture. Beware of cheap imitations – It pays to buy Coolashade quality.

Happy money making everybody!

© 2011 Coolashade Shade Sails Costa Blanca

  1. we are interested in a shade (or two) in the patio of our house in Lliber.
    it is a patio in the middle of the house, so it has 4 walls.
    it is 7 by 7 m2, and 4 m high.
    in the summer it is really hot.
    We also ask you if it is possibly that it also is a protection for the wind, that sometimes is falling in?

    with regards,
    e stevens

  2. Hello
    Thank you for your enquiry.
    Is it possible for you to please send me your telephone number so I can call you.
    Please send it to my email [email protected]

    Regards Rob Harris

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